Mr. Speaker, I wish to read excerpts from a letter published in the Calgary Sun on September 5, 2002 signed by the Canadian Alliance candidate in Perth--Middlesex.
Referring to the Kyoto accord, Marian Meinen wrote that the Prime Minister “just wants to do what's politically expedient, as usual, and as usual the unthinking masses in Ontario are in agreement”. She also went on to say “But what do I know, I'm so out of the loop that I actually joined the Canadian Alliance and became president of our riding association. I think I live in the wrong part of Canada”.
What was she thinking? She deliberately insults the voters of Ontario and then asks for their support. What is worse is that her party has so far done nothing to distance itself from her offensive comments. She has insulted the good, well-meaning people of Perth--Middlesex.
I suspect Mrs. Meinen will regret her slight to Ontario on election day. I hope her leader will have the courage to denounce her comments.
Now more than ever, it is crystal clear that change comes with the Progressive Conservative Party.