Mr. Speaker, the week of May 4 to 10 we are celebrating National Forest Week. It is a time to reflect on the vital role forests play in our daily lives as well as their significant benefits.
Canada as a forest nation depends on our forests for needs that range from economic to environmental to cultural.
The Canadian Forestry Association has chosen this year's National Forest Week theme, “Canada's Forests, Source of Life”, to echo that of the World Forestry Congress that later this year for the first time will be held in Canada from September 21 to 28 in Quebec City.
We must remember that humanity and forests are interdependent. For forests to remain the source of life, we must find a balance between our needs as humans and the ability of the forest to fulfill its ecological role.
This week, Mr. Speaker, please take the time to think about the ways that we as Canadians can protect our forest wealth and health so we can ensure that the full range of forest values is safeguarded for future generations.
I encourage all members to join me in celebrating National Forest Week.