Yes, it won't pass the country.
I have to say that in my riding of Saint John, New Brunswick, we have come to what we thought was a crossroads when saw these things happening up here on the Hill. At my little church that I go to our minister has done outreach into the area. The church now is packed on Sunday morning with anywhere from 800 to 1,000 people. We have reached out to those who are poor, to those who were going in the wrong direction, and to those who were drug addicts, and we have turned their lives around, because we could see that Canada had come to a crossroads.
Let me say that when I look at where we are at now with the Supreme Court, what it wants to do with the definition of marriage and what it wants to do in supporting John Robin Sharpe, we have come to a crossroads and we must take the stands we have to take here in these Parliament Buildings to correct it.