Mr. Speaker, the first Terry Fox Run took place in 1981. It attracted 300,000 participants across Canada and raised $3.5 million.
The Terry Fox Run is held each year to carry on the quest of the young man who began this annual tradition. After losing his own leg to cancer, Terry discovered that funding for cancer research in Canada was minimal. This was the motivation for his Marathon of Hope: to raise funds to help find a cure for cancer.
In the last 22 years over $300 million have been raised for cancer research in Terry's name. Each year thousands of volunteers organize Terry Fox Run events in Canada and around the world. This year was no different as the 22nd Terry Fox Run was held yesterday.
The emphasis of this event is not on how much is raised but rather on participation in Terry's memory to help him finish his Marathon of Hope.
As Terry said in 1980, “If you've given a dollar you're part of the Marathon of Hope”.