With regard to ports of entry into Canada: ( a ) what are the standards used by all customs officers across Canada to determine a high-risk traveller or shipment, and what is the standard procedure as to what to do with such a traveller or shipment once it is determined to be high-risk; ( b ) under what standard procedure are customs officers expected to refer travellers to immigration officers, and is there any standard for immigration officers to notify customs officers as to the results of such referrals; if it is determined that a traveller should be referred to an Immigration officer and there is no immigration officer at that location, what is the standard procedure that a customs officer should follow; ( c ) why are there no joint Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) evaluations planned to determine the effectiveness of customs officers and immigration officers at the border; ( d ) is there a standard for the sharing of data and intelligence between customs officers and immigration officers; ( e ) is there a standard referral procedure by which customs officers can clearly determine by which points should a traveller be referred to immigration officers; ( f ) is there an agreement between the CCRA and CIC that would provide for periodic evaluations to be performed jointly by CCRA and CIC to determine the effectiveness of their joint operations; ( g ) what percentage of the time does the Primary Automated Lookout System-Highway equipment correctly read licence plates of vehicles stopped at border crossing booths; ( h ) what facilities exist for examining commercial shipments at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor and where are they located in relation to the bridge customs site: ( i ) what is the standard procedure for ensuring that truck operators told to report to the facility actually arrive there; and (ii) under what circumstances would procedures dictate that a truck be escorted to that facility, regardless of the amount of traffic at the port; (i) in 2002: (i) how many people passed through customs checkpoints without authorization from Customs officers; (ii) when and where did these incidents occur; (iii) what were the sequences of actions taken following the breach of the checkpoint; and (iv) and were the individuals apprehended; ( j ) how many applications have been denied for: (i) FAST; (ii) CANPASS-Air; (iii) NEXUS-Air; and (iv) NEXUS-Highway; ( k ) at what Customs locations has the CCRA placed the following new technology, how many of each does each facility have, and what portion of incoming traffic does it service: (i) mobile gamma ray scanners; (ii) low-energy baggage and cargo x-ray systems; (iii) ion scanners; (iv) gamma ray pellet scanners; (v) hand-held ion mobility spectrometers; (vi) fibre-scopes; (vii) density meters; and (viii) other new technology that has been purchased by the government within the past two years to be used at ports of entry; and ( l ) for every Custom office reporting to the district offices in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northern New Brunswick, Central New Brunswick, Southern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Montérégie, Eastern Townships, Montréal Metro, Montréal Airport, Ottawa, St. Lawrence, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Fort Frances, Greater Toronto Area—Commercial, Pearson International Airport—Passenger Operations, Area Operations (Hamilton), Area Operations (Mississauga), Niagara, Windsor, St. Clair, Winnipeg & Northwest Territories, Emerson, Saskatchewan, North Central Alberta, Southern Alberta, Metro Vancouver, Vancouver International Airport, Pacific Highway, West Coast and Yukon, and Okanagan and Kootenay: (i) how many customs personnel are employed at the location, and of them, how many are Customs inspectors; (ii) are there immigration personnel at the location, and if so, how many; (iii) are there computers at the location, and if so, (1) do they have internet access, and if so, ( A ) what type of internet access do they have (dial-up, broadband, digital subscriber line, etc.); ( B ) do they have access to the Primary Automated Lookout System; ( C ) do they have access to CIC’s lookout system; ( D ) do they have access to US Federal Bureau of Investigation and US Department of Homeland Security databases or watchlists; and ( E ) do they have access to Canadian Police Information Centre; (iv) what is the distance to the nearest US or Canadian village, town, or city, and what is the name of that location; (v) is there a permanent police presence on location, and if not, (1) what is the distance to the nearest police post, (2) what is its location, and (3) what is the minimum number of officers on duty at any time; (vi) is there at least one telephone at this location; (vii) is this facility open 24 hours a day, and if it is not, what steps are taken to ensure that no one passes through while the facility is unattended; (viii) if there are representatives from departments other than CIC and CCRA, (1) what department or agency is represented; and (2) what is the purpose and responsibility of that department or agency at this location; and (ix) if this is a land border crossing, is there equipment for reading license plates at this location?
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