Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Mr. Ryan Malcolm, also known as the King of Kingston following his coronation as the Canadian Idol.
Ryan reached this achievement through a great deal of hard work and perseverance. Throughout the competition he enjoyed enormous support from the Kingston and Napanee communities, well known as a source of great Canadian music talent.
Ryan's local support was evident when thousands turned out in front of Kingston city hall in a large demonstration of public support to wish him every success as he pursued his goal of becoming the Canadian Idol.
Ryan began his singing career in Napanee, where I enjoyed his talent several times. Yes, as Ryan has said, Avril Lavigne attended his Napanee District Secondary School.
On behalf of the member from Kingston and the Islands, I would like to wish Ryan, his family and friends congratulations and best wishes on this crowning achievement. I am sure we will all continue to follow his promising career with great interest.