Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the hon. member a few questions.
This BSE crisis, with $11 million lost per day, impacts even my riding, which is only one of 301 ridings. It even impacts my grandson, whose stepfather cannot pay the hockey fees for this year because he cannot send his cattle to market.
It impacts the meat producers. It impacts the transportation industry, which has lost over two-thirds of its drivers and cannot continue in business as it was. The implement and equipment sales are lost. Sheep producers as well as cattle producers have gone out of business. Equipment manufacturers are suffering lower sales. This is all happening in my riding.
How can the government claim to be doing all it can when the Prime Minister continues to heap insults on the people whom we are asking for help?
First, does the hon. member believe that we could try harder by sending a delegation of neighbour-friendly people to encourage the complete opening of the border rather than the partial opening?
Second, does the member believe this is an emergency issue even if it is not called SARS and is not located in Toronto?
Third, does the hon. member believe that the government is being insensitive to the many needs of the people who are involved in this industry?