Mr. Speaker, if we believe in Canada as our country of origin, we need to support it in every way possible. In the business world sometimes the bottom line is the way in which companies operate. For example, this past week the jeans companies folded their tents and crossed North America. They packed up their companies and will probably move to China where they can be more profitable.
I do not know how much money Canada loses. I am sure we lose hundreds of millions of dollars, probably billions of dollars in taxes. However the role of government is to ensure all the loopholes are plugged so Canadians who profess to operate under the flagship of this country pay their fair share of taxes.
Profit is not a four letter word and I do not think anyone in the House would deem it to be so because without profit no one would be in business. There has to be a balance. I am sure all members in the House want fairness to prevail and loopholes that cause extravagant losses to the public coffers should be plugged.