There is psychological health as well as physical health. Mortality rates are higher among women who carry a pregnancy to full term.
If we look at women who have completed full-term pregnancies under difficult circumstances, we realize that this affects such women's psychological health.
Consequently, we must not give in to the prevailing wind blowing from the right in the United States where 31 states have put legal limits on abortions. They want to limit not only abortion, but also women's right to control their own bodies.
Today, I believe that young people make the decision as a couple; the decision to end a pregnancy is often made by the couple, together.
Even the Catholic Church refuses women the right to an abortion if they have been raped. That is completely inhuman. What does it mean to give birth to a child? We cannot hide our heads in the sand; we must look at the context this is happening in today.
I hope that the House of Commons, its members, both men and women, will vote against this bill, because it aims to recriminalize—