Mr. Chair, I am a new member of the House but I have spoken to the groups that have been involved in the hepatitis C compensation umbrella group. I have spoken as well to some of the victims of hepatitis C. I am not here to judge the decisions that were made by previous members of the government in arriving at the package that was determined. My understanding is it was worked out with the lawyers as a result of a judicial decision with regard to the compensation package that was put previously. People in the pre and post group are deserving of assistance.
The people in the umbrella group that is supporting this request and who brought this forward recognize that they are dealing with a sum of money that was allocated for the victims within the core group, the 1986 to 1990 group. It will require discussions, negotiations and agreement with the lawyers on behalf of the current victims to utilize that fund.
It appears that the number of estimated victims is going to fall well short of the original figure of some 20,000. Some 9,000 claims have been paid out already and some of those have been to family members. They are not necessarily all direct victims.
My understanding of the procedure is that we have to get agreement to begin the negotiations and I understand the minister is taking that request to cabinet. Agreement is then required because the courts have determined that certain people have a right to that sum of money. If the sum was arrived at it with a number that is now turning out to be considerably less, hopefully they will agree. The people I have spoken to in the compensation umbrella group believe an agreement would be reached. There are three different jurisdictions for which there has been legal representation that would be involved. The argument is that a substantial fund is available, but in order for those funds to be released, agreement would be required from the judge involved, or at least the legal representatives involved.
This should be done as rapidly as possible. It should not be left until the actuarial figures planned for next June. If representatives of the victims are prepared to agree quickly, we could move exceedingly quickly. It appears that there are adequate funds available based on the actual experience and the numbers that I have seen.