Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer my deepest condolences and sympathies to family and friends on the passing of Daniel Andrew Iannuzzi.
Mr. Iannuzzi, known to his friends as Dan, was an exceptional citizen. A third generation Italian Canadian, he grew up fluent in English, French and Italian.
His presence extended well beyond the borders of this nation. His love was Canada.
He was the founder of the world's first multilingual television station broadcasting in 24 languages. He was also the founder of the Ethnic Press Association of Ontario and of Canada's leading Italian language newspaper,
Corriere Canadese.
He was a member of the Order of Canada and a recipient of the Order of Ontario.
Dan Iannuzzi was truly a bright light and a beacon for multiculturalism. He understood the country, was a great agent for change, a man ahead of his times.
Canada is a better place to live for all Canadians, thanks to his great efforts. He made a great contribution.