Mr. Speaker, November 20 marked Universal Children's Day.
This year's theme, “A Canada Fit for Children”, celebrated Canada's commitment to children. It highlighted the Canadian government's agenda and the national plan of action for children in Canada. It is a plan of action consisting of creating a Canada and a world fit for children, supporting families and strengthening communities, protecting the children and promoting education and learning.
I am pleased to mention today the Maison Buissonnière in my riding of Ahuntsic. This centre works with children and their parents every day. It is a place where children from birth to age 4, accompanied by an adult, learn through play to socialize, get to know other children and adults, and interact in a group.
We must never forget that children are our most precious treasure and that every child has the right to happiness.
My hope is that through the efforts of all members of this House we can meet our commitment to assure a better future for our children.