Mr. Speaker, a study published in the October 11 edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine provides dramatic evidence that care for chronic back pain and neuro-musculoskeletal problems by chiropractors is less costly and more effective.
The four year study of 1.7 million patients concluded that if all of those studied had chiropractic coverage total health care costs would drop by 12% due to a reduced use of hospital beds, drugs, X-rays and most important, a speedier recovery.
This study confirms studies done in Canada by Dr. Pran Manga of the University of Ottawa. In 1998 Dr. Manga calculated that Ontario alone would likely save $548 million if it properly utilized chiropractic care. Extrapolated nationally, that would mean a savings of $2.2 billion.
If Canada is going to lead the world in health care outcomes, we will need to implement effectiveness and cost effectiveness strategies. This latest study indicates that if all health care professionals were properly utilized, not only would there be no doctor shortage, we could also reallocate precious health care resources--