Mr. Speaker, that was a really nice try by the member, but the fact of the matter is we are discussing the fact that the Prime Minister did not keep his word. It has nothing to do with our promise or what we said or anything else. We would have followed through and we can have a debate about that, but this debate is about the fact that the Prime Minister has not kept his word.
I know the member to be a very honourable gentleman. He is also a person who is given to a great deal of candour in most of his public pronouncements. Let me ask him point blank in the expectation of a very candid answer. If he heard the Prime Minister, and particularly if he was to think for a second about the repetition of the Prime Minister's comments specifically as entered into this debate this morning by the Leader of the Opposition, how could the member possibly have arrived at any other conclusion than the fact that now as a result of the Prime Minister's current action, he has clearly, specifically gone back on his word?