Mr. Speaker, the Brabant newspaper chain publishes many papers in Hamilton communities. Cost cutting measures and layoffs have allowed Brabant to reap record profits.
While investors are raking it in, Brabant and its masters at TorStar Corporation cancelled 600 kids' paper routes.
The 60 remaining press, insert and pre-production workers have gone on strike seeking pay equity and fair wages.
This same company has called for a shield law to protect its journalists from being forced to reveal their sources. That is right, it wants more respect for its workers.
But at the same time, Brabant is now using scab labour just before Christmas to undermine its employees' bargaining strength. Where is the respect in that?
I support a shield law, but I also support showing more respect for workers' rights to fair wages. Using scabs is an immoral attack on the collective bargaining process.
Get rid of the scabs, Brabant, and get back to the bargaining table.