Mr. Speaker, the leader of the NDP tells us that President Bush slapped him on the back and said “Every country needs a good lefty”. That is true, because while our troops fight the war on terror and patrol Afghanistan, lefties fight a valiant war on trans fats and patrol Tim Hortons, and God only knows at what terrible human cost.
They fight a war on poverty by overtaxing, over-regulating and just overstaying their welcome. Their war on poverty looks suspiciously like a war on prosperity. Their governments are overweening. One might say that lefties are overweenies, but that would offend them because weenies are full of meat, salt and maybe trans fats, and we all know they are at war on those things. Lefties are at war against violence and if we do not believe them, they will peacefully break our windows and peacefully protest our faces in.
We may not agree with President Bush on everything, but he is clearly correct when he says that every country needs a good lefty. With lefties now overwhelming the NDP and Liberal benches, we have a lefty surplus, which leaves Canada in a terrible deficit.