Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to recognize a Regina based company that has developed a product which may make Canada a global leader when it comes to the treatment of biohazardous waste.
Earlier this year the World Health Organization put out a statement that said, “Unsafe health care waste management leads to death and disability”. I am very proud that a company from my riding has developed a product that directly combats this problem.
Sanitec Canada has developed a product called the Ozonator, which uses ozone to sterilize hospital waste while reducing the volume of this waste by 80%. Until now dangerous hospital waste could only be disposed of through incineration, a process which releases hazardous materials into the atmosphere and raises significant environmental concerns.
The success of Sanitec is even more amazing since this company has yet to receive any funding from the federal government.
Today I call upon the government to closely examine the issue of biohazardous waste and take a look at what is truly an innovative product from Saskatchewan.