Mr. Speaker, in the throne speech the Liberal government claimed that farmers would not be left “to bear alone the consequences of circumstances beyond their control”, and yet there was no action plan. There was no compensation scheme or remedial ideas to get the border open. Nothing. Zilch.
There was only a conglomeration of empty words, and once again ranchers and farmers in this country have been left holding the bag.
The bright light of our once prosperous cattle industry is all but extinguished, as nothing except financial ruin appears on the horizon for many cattle ranchers.
I implore the government to do everything and anything within its power to get those borders open. Also, it is imperative that there is a concrete plan in place in the event that the borders do not open, a reality that farmers and ranchers may soon face.
Please, for once, make good on a promise. Do not leave cattle ranchers and farmers alone to bear the consequences of this disaster, which is far beyond their control.