Mr. Speaker, I wish to give my support to the motion put forward by the Conservative Party, asking, and I quote:
That the government reallocate its resources from wasteful and unnecessary programs such as the sponsorship program—
Some $100 million went up in smoke or lined the pockets of friends of the Liberal government. It continues:
—or badly managed programs such as the gun registry—
Again, hundreds of millions of dollars were misallocated.
—to address the agricultural crisis at the farm gate across Canada.
We can only agree with the motion before us. I have a question about it for my colleague.
What is the most shocking to Quebeckers and Canadians today, is it not the fact that they work hard for their money and paid taxes to the government and there are urgent needs such as the farmers' needs? In Quebec, the farm problem concerns both cattle and dairy farmers. People who earned 20% to 25% of their income selling cull are in a situation where the survival of their farm is in question.
Is the true issue not the public's lack of confidence in the government? Is it not the fact that people would like to see the money they pay in taxes being used properly? People are willing to pay taxes, provided that this money is used properly. Does the public not feel swindled by the current government?