Since 1995 and for each fiscal year since, with respect to Technology Partnerships Canada (and including the IRAP TPC program) and the Atlantic Innovation Fund: ( a ) how many loans have been made; ( b ) what is the dollar value of these loans; ( c ) how much has actually been repaid; ( d ) how much was supposed to have been repaid based on the original agreements; ( e ) how many loans have been made to each province; ( f ) what is the dollar value of the loans in each province; ( g ) have any recipients of loans under these agreements defaulted on payments, yes or no; ( h ) how much has been written off; ( i ) how many jobs were expected to be created in each province; ( j ) how many were actually created in each province; ( k ) who has signing authority for these projects; ( l ) what other federal departments or agencies consulted prior to signing an agreement; and ( m ) what is the role of these other agencies?
(Return tabled)