Mr. Speaker, this past Saturday, March 27, the franco-ontarian farm community was in a celebratory mood.
The Union des cultivateurs franco-ontariens was celebrating 75 years of existence. The UCFO began life as the Union catholique des fermiers de l'Ontario in 1929. Concerned about the future of agriculture, these farmers held meetings, provided training for fellow farmers, and worked generally to improve their industry, making every effort to preserve their language.
Seventy-five years later, UCFO is as dynamic as ever. It publishes a newsletter, Agricom , and continues to provide services to its membership.
On the occasion of this 75th anniversary, we extend congratulations to the UCFO, and President Pierre Bercier, CEO Nadia Carrier, and Agricom Editor Pierre Glaude. Long may it continue to serve the francophone agricultural community of Ontario.