Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support the legitimate efforts of the state of Israel to protect its citizens from the deadly violence of homicide bombers.
Sadly, the new International Court of Justice at The Hague is hosting a show trial against Israel, defending its construction of a security barrier which anti-Israeli militants ridiculously claim is a crime against humanity.
For 50 years the tiny state of Israel has struggled to survive against a constant existential threat, including four attempted invasions. But these attacks have never deterred Israel from seeking a lasting peace with the Palestinian people, a peace which was ultimately rejected by Yasser Arafat at Camp David.
Since then Israel has faced a new kind of invader: homicidal anti-Semitic maniacs who target innocent citizens for the sole crime of being Jews.
Israel has responded by constructing a security fence designed to keep the murderers out. A similar fence around the Gaza Strip has been a successive defence barrier.
Any responsible state would act in like fashion to protect its citizens from daily violence, and Canada should act like a responsible state by denouncing this abuse of the ICJ which we helped to found.