It sounds as though we are getting into a debate here. The hon. member for Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke wanted a document tabled the other day. When the minister answered the question in the House yesterday, I believe it was, on a point of order, he indicated the document quoted from was the answer that had been given to a question posed by the hon. member for Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik. He offered to table an additional copy of the answer to the question which had been the document quoted from.
It seems to me what the hon. member for Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke now is demanding is more information. I think she is free to ask it as a question in the House, but to expect the government to table copies of all documents on any matter that are not required to be tabled in the House is not a point of order.
It seems to me that the hon. member is getting into an argument with the deputy government House leader. I would suggest the two of them sit down, have a run through the document and if the hon. member wants something else, and the hon. minister is prepared to make it available to her, either by tabling or by delivering it to her, that is a matter between the hon. members. I would recommend they follow that course for the time being.
I do not believe it is a matter for dispute with the Chair because no one is suggesting that the answer to the question was not the document being quoted. That is the end of the matter as far as the Chair is concerned.
The hon. member for Medicine Hat on a point of order.