With regard to Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) survey tests of domestic and imported aquaculture fish: ( a ) what drugs, chemicals, contaminants and pesticides were included in these tests; ( b ) what are the tolerance levels for these compounds under current Canadian regulations; ( c ) when were these tolerance levels last updated; ( d ) what scientific research has been conducted on potential impacts from PCBs since these tolerance levels were first established; ( e ) what is the number of fish tested annually in CFIA surveys; ( f ) what is the percentage of imported fish tested in these surveys; ( g ) what percentage of Chilean farmed salmon imports is tested for malachite green; ( h ) what percentage of Chilean farmed salmon has tested positive for malachite green; ( i ) what is the percentage of fish tested in relation to the amount imported/exported; ( j ) what are the Canadian standards for allowable residues of malachite green; ( k ) what percentage of Canadian farmed salmon and trout is tested for malachite green; ( l ) what are the Canadian standards for antibiotic residues in farmed fish; ( m ) what percentage of Canadian farmed salmon is tested for antibiotic residues; ( n ) how many times has the CFIA recalled farmed fish because of elevated levels of antibiotic residues; ( o ) what are the Canadian standards for levels of the therapeutant emamectin benzoate in farmed fish; and ( p ) what percentage of Canadian farmed fish is tested for emamectin benzoate?
(Return tabled.)