Mr. Speaker, it is always a concern that we might discourage people from running for public office. However we always have to find a way to strike a meaningful balance and in this case I believe we are striking a reasonable balance.
We should be encouraging those who have proven to be successful in business and have accumulated assets to take part in the legislative process because they bring to us a level of experience and knowledge that is very important as a contributing part to the debates within the House.
I certainly hope that this does not discourage, but obviously I do feel that there are a few points that could be taken into consideration, maybe not through the Standing Orders, as I have mentioned, but in terms of either some form of compensation for those who have to put their assets into trust. Another way may well be, as I suggested earlier, using some form of tax deductibility under the Income Tax Act where they at least would not be held at a disadvantage because they came to this place having assets.
I certainly believe there are ways and means, and if there is any deterrence within this code of conduct, that in fact that deterrence can be dealt with in other ways throughout the House.