Mr. Speaker, I realize that time is short for the questions and comments but I cannot let this go by. Again, with all due respect to my colleague, he just made my point. He used the words “latitude” and “range”. The judge would have that ability to impose a harsh sentence or a maximum sentence. That is not the same as what Chuck intended. Chuck intended to send a message of deterrence to those would be criminals. He intended to send the message that if they did this, this is what they would face.
We are not going to leave it to the judges to determine if it is an aggravating factor, that if they street race every weekend and finally they kill people in a couple of different instances that they may get the maximum sentence or they may face a life without driving privileges. It is not may. It is they will face that.
That is the whole point. That is the part where I as a friend of Chuck's take personal exception to the very fact of the matter that the government is calling these bills the Chuck Cadman legacy bills. I hear this all the time. Yet the intent of what Chuck was trying to do was send this strong message of deterrence so a judge could not say that the young man had a troubled childhood so it would not be fair to take his licence away forever or that it was a couple of mistakes and that it happened to everyone when they were young.
It is a second offence, that is it, they walk for the rest of their life or take the bus.