Order, please. I have the honour to table, in both official languages, the second edition of the Annotated Standing Orders of the House of Commons.
The first edition of this work was published 16 years ago. Over the last three years, under the guidance of Clerk Bill Corbett and Deputy Clerk Audrey O'Brien, our staff has been working to update the Annotated Standing Orders by incorporating significant developments in practice, as well as key precedents, Speaker's rulings and changes to the Standing Orders.
This guide to House procedure provides comprehensive and precise consideration of the written rules. Each standing order is accompanied by a brief explanation of its current interpretation, followed by a historical overview of any major changes made to it since the Standing Orders were adopted.
I know all hon. members will want to join me in thanking the procedural staff for this reference work which will be extremely valuable to the House of Commons.
I invite all hon. members to a reception to be held following routine proceedings today in room 216 to celebrate the launching of the second edition of the Annotated Standing Orders.