That, in the opinion of the House, the government should amend the Income Tax Act regulations so that they do not override certain provisions of the tax agreement between Canada and Barbados allowing Canadian businesses to use their subsidiary in Barbados to avoid paying taxes in Canada.
Madam Speaker, it is an honour to have the opportunity to speak to this issue that is so important to the integrity our country's tax base. It must be shown how the current Prime Minister, sometimes through his inaction but mostly through very specific measures he took when he was finance minister, managed to arrange things so a good number of businesses, particularly in the shipping industry, avoid paying taxes.
First I will read the motion, which is as follows:
That, in the opinion of the House, the government should amend the Income Tax Act regulations so that they do not override certain provisions of the tax agreement between Canada and Barbados allowing Canadian businesses to use their subsidiary in Barbados to avoid paying taxes in Canada.
The purpose of this motion is to amend the income tax regulations so that they do not override certain provisions of the tax agreement between Canada and Barbados. These regulations currently allow Canadian businesses to repatriate income without paying taxes in Canada, which is a serious threat to our country's tax base. Moreover, this violates the spirit of these tax agreements, the purpose of which is to avoid double taxation. It so happens that in tax havens like Barbados, where the tax rate applied to foreign businesses is ridiculously low, not only do these businesses avoid double taxation, but they avoid taxation altogether.
As members of the House, we cannot turn a blind eye and ignore this reality when our constituents pay taxes and some businesses avoid doing so by using tax havens.
The necessity to look into this issue right now has to be put into perspective. Various measures taken by the current Prime Minister, especially when he was finance minister, are now allowing a number of businesses in the shipping industry, among others, not to pay their fair share, whereas the vast majority of taxpayers do pay their fair share of taxes.
The Office of the Auditor General has provided various opinions on this matter over the past 10 years or more. Since then, instead of getting better, things have gotten worse in many regards.
As early as 1992, the Auditor General brought to the attention of the public the problem posed by tax havens. In chapter 2 of his report, he wrote, and I quote:
Tax arrangements for foreign affiliates are costing Canada hundreds of millions of dollars in lost tax revenues
Avoidance mechanisms also have a negative effect on the equity and integrity of the tax system and on public attitudes toward voluntary compliance. Access to such mechanisms is usually limited to those who can afford expensive advice. Those who cannot, therefore, may be denied equitable or even-handed treatment.
In 1993, when the Standing Committee on Public Accounts presented its 12th report to the House, it reiterated a number of the recommendations originally made by the Office of the Auditor General. The committee said, among other things, that:
—care must also be taken to keep the tax system fair and equitable, and that there is no reason, in our tax regime, why income earned in a tax haven should be given preferential treatment over income earned in Canada and subject to Canadian tax.
What happened in the 13 intervening years? The current Prime Minister has not simply been remiss in implementing the recommendations the Auditor General has repeatedly made to him over more than a decade, but we have seen carried out a long-planned measure to foster the use of Barbados as a tax haven.
Backtracking a bit, we have found a great example to illustrate what we mean: a shipping company by the name of CSL. In 1992, CSL created CSL International, which was at that time nothing but a shell company incorporated in Liberia and responsible on paper for all of CSL's international activities. CSL International is involved in very little actual shipping. It is a holding company that owns other companies, and it is those companies that are involved in shipping. It is important to make it clear that, at that time, it was possible to bring back to Canada, tax-free, the profits generated by a Liberian subsidiary of a Canadian company.
As I have said, in 1992 the Auditor General brought the problem of tax havens to public attention for the first time.
What was the Finance Minister's reaction in 1994? To bring down his first budget and to state in it that he intended to put an end to the use of those havens. Such a noble intention.
However, the budget implementation bill and the regulations that came into effect in 1995 left one loophole available, and it is easy to guess where it was: Barbados.
That bill, in clause 5907 of section 11.2, renders inoperable the section of the tax convention which excluded “international business companies”, by setting out a series of criteria by which a company could be considered non-resident in Canada and thus not subject to taxation by Canada.
So that was in 1994, and the legislation was enacted in 1995. Just by pure chance, 1995 was the year CSL moved to Barbados. What an odd coincidence. The Auditor General's office did not let this go unnoticed. In 1996 he again sounded the alarm on tax havens, for a second time.
This is what he said:
The results of Revenue Canada's program to combat it indicate that avoidance continues to pose a serious threat to the tax base.
So the Minister of Finance of the day responded to the report by stating the government's intent to implement these recommendations promptly and in their entirety.
But far from trying to counter the exodus of capital to Barbados by terminating its convention with this tax haven, Canada encouraged it by signing an agreement to promote and protect foreign investment with Barbados in 1996.
What I am trying to present today is a series of events that will help us understand what we are talking about.
In 1998, the Minister of Finance introduced Bill C-28, the Budget Implementation Bill. One of the clauses in the bill concerned shipping. Henceforth, holding companies incorporated abroad and owning companies involved in international shipping would be considered as involved themselves in international shipping. In this way, they would be exempt from Canadian taxes, even when their profits were repatriated. This clause applied retroactively to 1995, the year when, as if by chance of course, CSL International set up shop in Barbados.
This bill affected only a small number of taxpayers. At the time, the Canadian Shipowners Association had only 11 members, of whom at most eight were involved in international shipping, including CSL. By the way, when he appeared before the Finance Committee on February 10, 1998, the director general of the Tax Legislation Division of the Department of Finance suggested that Bill C-28 could once again apply to a company like CSL International.
Still in 1998, the Auditor General was concerned for a third time. He said:
—the increasing use of tax havens and the growing number of bilateral income tax conventions mean that ... failure to take urgent action on these matters will severely limit Revenue Canada's ability to manage the risks to Canada's tax base that international transactions represent.
It is apparent, therefore, that between 1992 and 1998, the Office of the Auditor General was already paying the necessary attention to this matter, something that the Minister of Finance at the time was not doing.
Let us advance a little in time to 2001. The Auditor General raised the issue for the fourth time in his report in February 2001, saying that:
One of the biggest threats to the tax base lies in the international activities of Canadian taxpayers, particularly the use of tax havens.
How did the Minister of Finance respond? In 2002, the government introduced Bill S-2, the Tax Conventions Implementation Act. Far from terminating the 1980 tax convention between Canada and Barbados, Bill S-2 simply renewed it by amending its schedules in 2002.
The Office of the Auditor General took up the issue for the fifth time.
Although Canada amended its rules in 1995, little has changed. Tax havens continue to attract Canadian money. For example, Statistics Canada reports that Canadian direct investment in Barbados has increased from $628 million in 1998 to $23.3 billion in 2001—over a 3,600 percent increase—
In 2001, investment reached the modest amount of $23.3 billion.
Barbados must be an extraordinary place to invest in. I am sure that economic activity there is rolling along at breakneck speed.
According to data from the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, in 2000, Canadian corporations received $1.5 billion in dividends from corporations in Barbados.
As you can see, Barbados is of great concern to the government. The question is whether the then finance minister and current Prime Minister is concerned for the right reasons.
Barbados is not a tax haven as such. Both citizens and companies pay 40% in income tax.
Tax laws in Barbados include a special section for International Business Corporations, or IBC. An IBC is a company registered in Barbados that conducts most of its business activities abroad. There are very few conditions to meet: the company must be registered in Barbados, have its headquarters there, hold its board of directors meetings there—a conference call will suffice—keep its board meeting minutes there and make a Barbadian one of its directors. This director may, however, by unanimous decision of the shareholders, have no powers. Registration fees are U.S $390, plus $250 annually.
These companies are then subject to a regressive tax, from 2.5% down to 1%, depending on revenues. They are exempted from tax on capital, from exchange controls, and from tax on transactions.
Fifteen minutes to discuss this issue is excessively short. Therefore, I will conclude quickly by saying that the government must not only review the terms of the Canada-Barbados tax convention but also prevent companies from using dummy companies abroad to avoid paying taxes here.
CSL, for example, must pay its taxes to Quebec and Canada. It must pay its fair share; it must not jeopardize Canada's fiscal balance; and it must not use the power of the government to favour certain specific businesses.