Mr. Speaker, in the 2005 Social Watch report, Canadian economist Armine Yalnizan says that:
-- despite unparalleled economic and fiscal capacity, Canada has failed to make serious progress in the fight against poverty and inequality.
It was the NDP that forced the federal Liberals to commit $4.6 billion for social and environmental investment, including $1.6 billion for housing. However, Canadians are still waiting for access to affordable housing.
Even existing low income housing is at risk because the government has withdrawn subsidies for co-op housing and countless low income Canadians are at risk. The minister says that he will fix the problem, but co-ops are fed up waiting.
The appalling housing conditions for so many aboriginal people is a national disgrace, as so hauntingly exposed in Kashechewan.
The National Housing and Homeless Network has given the federal government a failing grade in its 2005 report card, and still the government will not commit to ongoing funding of important programs like SCPI.
We in the NDP believe accessible, affordable and safe housing is a fundamental human right. Time is running out for the government.