Mr. Speaker,
We watched as Judge Gomery said not a peep,While Jean deftly juggled his balls in his hand,The former PM showed the meaning of cheap,A petty and tacky, inelegant man.
Then came the new guy: once Treasury Board Chair,The question, “That money, now where did it go?”“I saw nothing, heard nothing, I wasn't there.”And one never asks if they don't want to know.
Golf Amateurs do it, but Pros never try,The Liberal game is improving your lie.
Jean meddled with BDC loans, we know why,Sacked the president; he would have followed the rules,But now the Shawinigan Street Fighter guyClaims that ad scam was “hands-off” and takes us for fools.
The PM a detail man when things go well,Micro-managed his way to the top of this town,But when leadership's needed, he hides in a shell,Knowing you cannot prove what is not written down.
Golf Amateurs do it, the Pros never try,The Liberal game is improving your lie.
Happy Valentine's Day to Canada.