Mr. Speaker, this is my 12th year in the House of Commons. I arrived here looking forward to improving life for the average Canadian.
I know all members in the House have met the average Canadian and have knocked on their door during elections. I am sure they still remember them, or do they?
Average Canadians worry about paying their bills, about raising their children and about the safety and health of their family. Here in this House where the air is rare, we debate philosophical issues that we feel will affect the average Canadian, such as same sex marriage. Is the government so far out of step that it feels the average Canadian thinks this should be the most important piece of legislation passed?
I have to admit that I admire the Prime Minister's passion for same sex marriage. I just wish he had the same passion for issues like tax relief, true health care reform, fighting child pornography, corrections reform, and the list goes on.
I beg the Prime Minister to remember who he works for. His paycheque is signed by the average Canadian.