Mr. Speaker, on January 6 the Minister of Veterans Affairs invited all Canadians to bring forward any information regarding Canadian Forces servicemen and women who have died while on duty in Canada or serving overseas since October 1947, with the exception of the Korean War.
To date, Veterans Affairs Canada has identified more than 1,200 members of the Canadian Forces whose names will be entered into a seventh Book of Remembrance to be titled “In the Service of Canada”.
Veterans Affairs Canada is asking families of deceased CF members and the Canadian public to view the names of the men and women already identified and to submit any other names that may be eligible for the book.
I invite the hon. members and all Canadians to visit the VAC website, under the “Past Features” heading, and to click on “The Seventh Book of Remembrance” icon.
In the year of the veteran we would like to enlist all Canadians in this campaign to remember these brave Canadians who served our country with duty and honour. Recalling them by name--