Mr. Speaker, I never said that there are not some challenges and some issues within the textile industry. I was trying to remind the House and Canadians that the government has taken very strong action, is completely understanding of some of the challenges, and has responded accordingly.
I know, for example, in the apparel industry, after members on this side worked with the finance minister and the industry minister very recently, I have had some good feedback in my part of Toronto.
I am surprised a Conservative member would sort of imply that every single plant closure in Canada should be looked at by the government. We are saddened by it. In fact, my family comes from the Huntingdon area. My dad grew up in a place called Howick near Ormstown. I know the Huntingdon area very well. It saddens me and it saddens all of us in this House when plants close. However, we need to understand that the government cannot be held accountable and responsible for every plant closing in Canada. I am sure the member was not trying to imply that.
There are some mills, some plants, that because of certain efficiencies and a whole host of issues, where they are strategically located, their labour-management relations, their cost positioning, and a number of other factors, they are on the top end of the cost curve. There is nothing really the government can do. In today's commodity markets, and even in some of the value added markets, one needs to be in the bottom half of the cost curve if one is to survive in this competitive environment. If we as a federal government were to respond to every single industry and plant that was under siege, we would surely blow the fiscal envelope.We need to have measured and strategic responses.
Our government has acted very forcefully and with a lot of vigour. I support completely what our government has done. I do not have many textiles, but I know that the apparel industry in my area was very pleased with the announcements of the minister. We will continue to work with the textile industries to see if we can help them in this very difficult world that we live in.