With respect to persons eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement who are not receiving it, persons eligible for a survivor allowance who are not receiving it, and persons eligible for a spouse’s allowance who are not receiving it: ( a ) what has the government done, and how often, to try to trace these people; ( b ) how many letters have been sent out by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency; ( c ) how many people have been reached by phone; ( d ) how many forms have been mailed out; ( e ) how many providers of services to seniors have been contacted; ( f ) how many information inserts have been mailed out; ( g ) how many renewal applications forms have been sent out when someone no longer submits an income tax return; ( h ) what kind of publicity for these benefits is done in major centres, and how often; and ( i ) what else has been done?
(Return tabled)