Mr. Speaker, once again, a large part of the problem with the Conservative motion is that it examines only one aspect, namely the revenues from the development of non-renewable natural resources. It looks only at the revenue side. We must not forget, though, that all Canadians and Quebeckers contributed through their taxes to the development and the expenditures incurred to produce these revenues. This is why I find it unfortunate that the motion looks at only one aspect of the issue.
For example, Newfoundland and Labrador gets revenues from the development of its resources, and that is entirely as it should be. However, since we all contributed to the outlay, it seems to me that it would be fair if we could all participate in the benefits, even if only indirectly. We are speaking here of indirectly, we are speaking of equalization. We are not asking for a percentage of the revenues and profits from the development of coastal oil. We are just asking for this to be taken into account when it comes to equalization. It is as simple as that.