Mr. Speaker, all day I have been hearing comparisons between Saskatchewan and Manitoba. I find that interesting, because over and above the equalization base, with the deal that was signed by the 10 provinces, this year Saskatchewan will receive an additional $710 million. I believe we have spoken about that today already. Manitoba will receive an additional $184 million. This is because of the new equalization framework and obviously the dedication of our Minister of Finance.
As well, I think we have to speak about the second issue. As a Manitoban, I totally agree with my colleague here that obviously Manitoba's strength is hydro. Obviously it is a renewable resource, but if Saskatchewan starts insisting on putting aside the non-renewable resources, why would Manitoba not say to put aside renewable resources?
The objective here was to assist two provinces that were in dire straits. That is what Canada is all about. We have always been about that. We have not been about cookie cutter solutions and trying to be everything to every province. We have been about assisting provinces in need. I believe we all agree, given the debt to equity ratio, that Nova Scotia and Newfoundland were in dire straits. We assisted them.
Before doing that, however, we did deal with the equalization problem. We did sit down with the four provinces and territories and we negotiated deals there that improved the whole situation across the country.
My colleague is absolutely right. I believe we should wait for Mr. O'Brien's report. I hope he will come up with some long term equalization solutions.
In fact, as a Manitoban I am very proud that we signed these deals with Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador. I am actually surprised that Saskatchewan and members opposite are not. We always have been about helping our provinces that are in need.