Mr. Speaker, this afternoon members of our caucus are meeting with 40 mayors and deputy mayors from around the province of Ontario.
They have come to share with our party horror stories about crumbling roads, sidewalks and sewers that are in such disrepair that lives and the economy are at risk. Their needs are urgent but the government has ignored them, like it has ignored the pleas of Canadians across the country.
For the past 12 years the government has overtaxed Canadians and then hoarded the surplus. I am sure these Johnny-come-latelies will apply a little touch up paint here and there but where is the plan? Where has the urgency been from the government for the past 12 years?
More mayors could have been here this week if the Liberal backroom boys had not applied the pressure. Their actions are disgraceful.
Having failed miserably the people they claim to represent, they now act to keep them under their boot. Why must our tax dollars be given to their friends and special interests first?
The government is starting to act like cornered rats. Its actions are disgraceful.