Mr. Speaker, the answer is as follows: a) Since its inception, the SDPP has provided $3,909,050.00 of funding to organizations located in Nova Scotia. In comparison to other provinces:
Nova Scotia, which ranks 7
in terms of population amongst the provinces and territories of Canada, ranks 5
in the amount of funding received under the SDPP.
While interpreting these results please be aware that the terms and conditions of the SDPP require that: “preference be given to projects that have national relevance” during the assessment of proposals for contribution funding; and that successful grant applicants be “national in reach (that is operate or have affiliates in a minimum of three of the following five regions--Pacific, Prairie, Central, Atlantic, North)”.
Some provinces received more funding per resident than others because the distribution of organizations which are eligible for funding from this program does not match the distribution of the population of Canada.
In particular, the figures for Ontario are skewed by the many national organizations which are headquartered in Ottawa or Toronto; Nova Scotia, ranks proportionally higher than other Atlantic provinces because a large number of organizations serving the entire Atlantic region are located in Halifax or Sydney.
b) The percentage of SDPP funding provided to organizations in Nova Scotia by fiscal year is as follows:
1998/1999 -- 6.63%
1999/2000 -- 5.22%
2000/2001 -- 3.73%
2001/2002 -- 2.29%
2002/2003 -- 3.51%
2003/2004 -- 1.87%
2004/2005 -- 2.57%
Note: This program provides funding to National organizations. National organizations of ten conduct projects in, or redistribute funding to affiliates in other provinces. These organizations may have redistributed some of the funding that they received to affiliates in Nova Scotia; those transfers are not captured in the figures above.
c) & d) Since april 2001, the SDPP has received 21 applications for project funding from organizations in Nova Scotia; 16 have been approved.
In 1998/1999 and 1999/2000, 13 projects were approved with organizations in Nova scotia. Under current practices, unsuccessful proposals are kept on file for a period of 5 years. Prior to April 2001, the last call for proposals was held in 1998 and as a result, information on unsuccessful proposals is no longer available.
There are currently 5 applications from Nova Scotia that were received in response to the call for proposals in December 2004. The assessment of these proposals is not yet complete.