Mr. Speaker, on March 3, 2005, Constables Anthony Gordon, Peter Schiemann, Lionide Johnston and Brock Myrol, four young RCMP officers, paid the ultimate price in service to their country.
To these slain officers I say, “You lived and died by a code you swore to uphold. You recognized your fundamental duty to serve and protect mankind, to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression and the peaceful against violence and disorder, and to respect the constitutional right of all men to liberty, equality and justice. You recognized your badge of office as a symbol of public faith and accepted it as a public trust. Remaining true to the ethics of the police service, you strove to achieve the high objectives and ideals of the service and dedicated yourselves before God to your chosen profession, law enforcement”.
To the families, the friends and the law enforcement community, let me say that we as a nation mourn their loss and pray that all will find solace in knowing that the sacrifice of these four brave officers will not be in vain.