Mr. Speaker, the parliamentary secretary talks about speeches at the UN and throne speeches, but we need action. He talks about posters and websites.
In B.C. there is an organization called New Opportunities for Women Canada Society, NOW. Catherine Williams-Jones is the executive director. I would encourage the parliamentary secretary to get out and hear her when she comes to Ottawa in a few weeks. She estimates that of the 2,000 women and children with which the program has worked, only two have claimed that they were not sexually abused as a child.
We do not need more speeches and round tables. We need action to protect young people against child pornography. We need tough action from the government. We need action against those who exploit young people under age 14 and target them, who ply them with drugs like crystal meth and ecstasy, and date rape drugs. Then they compromise them, get them addicted, and continue to exploit them. We need actions on these matters.
There are inadequate penalties in place. We need adequate penalties for the johns and pimps, not conditional sentences. There is inadequate enforcement in these matters. The Liberal Party--