Mr. Speaker, diabetes is a leading cause of death in Canada. Over two million Canadians are affected. The number of Canadians with type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically due to a number of factors, including a sedentary lifestyle and rising obesity rates. It is even increasing in children.
In addition to the growing rates of type 2 diabetes in children, recent data suggest that a child born in 2000 stands a one in three chance of being diagnosed with this disease.
The financial and human burdens of these diseases are enormous. Direct costs for medication are between $1,000 and $15,000 a year. The cost to our health care system right now is a staggering $13.2 billion every year.
Way to prevent and even cure diabetes, including type 1 diabetes, are within our grasp. Therefore, we need to redouble our efforts to support the needed research in this area.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Canadian Diabetes Association for its continued work to promote the health of Canadians and one day find a cure and prevent these diseases from wreaking havoc--