Mr. Speaker, this is a memorable day. The re-opening of the border was eagerly anticipated, but it is not happening. We Quebec producers are being heavily penalized with regard to breeding and meat processing. It is urgent that the border re-open. This is extremely important to us. Much work needs to be done to help re-open the border.
The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food has been telling us since September 10 that he has implemented programs and that he is in negotiations with his provincial counterparts. However, I think that an agreement has yet to be reached. The situation is extremely urgent.
Some Quebec producers have committed suicide because they are no longer able to live off their farms, since there is no longer a breeders market. Milk producers have enormous herds of cull cows on their farms, while the banks no longer want to lend them money.
I want to ask the minister to see whether we might have good news very shortly to help Quebec producers.