Mr. Speaker, that was a nice try by the member, with that little bit of misdirection. He is good at that, like the old magician he always was.
Supply management for the beef sector is up to the beef sector. It was up to the dairy sector, it was up to the chicken sector and it was up to the feather industry to decide whether they wanted it or not. If it is the beef sector that drives it, certainly it will happen and that is what the member should be aware of.
Everybody wants the border open in the short fix, but the problem with the ultimate opening of the border is that it will not move us ahead. We have identified some major problems in our industry in this country. If we do not learn something out of the two years of hell we have been going through, then we have not gained a darn thing. If we just go back and reopen the border, we have not gained as a country. We have not expanded our processing. We have not gone out and looked for those new markets. We have gone right back into the same old rut that we have been in for the last 20 years.