Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure for me to speak to the motion before the House today. I will begin my remarks by answering a question asked by the member for Gatineau who said that she could not see the rationale for today's motion. The motion reads:
That the House call on the government to immediately establish a trust account into which the Liberal Party of Canada can deposit all funds received from companies and individuals tied to the sponsorship scandal and identified in testimony before the Gomery Commission.
Why do we want to see this motion passed? To make sure that the member for Gatineau will not finance another electoral campaign with the dirty money collected by the Liberal Party of Canada. That is basically why.
In 1997, 2000 and 2004, the Liberals won the elections thanks to dirty money. The member for Gatineau owes her 2004 election to dirty money. Actually, like all the others—