With regard to the budget plan for the Canadian International Development Agency and the Official Development Assistance Program: ( a ) does the government plan to introduce legislation that would give clarity of purpose to Official Development Assistance Program spending; ( b ) is there a review on expenditure being conducted at the Canadian International Development Agency and, if so, is it causing cuts to programs that do not meet policy priorities rather to programs that do not meet an administrative spending formula; ( c ) what impact will this expenditure review, if any, have on non-governmental organization (NGO) partnering programs; ( d ) has the expenditure review process, if any, caused the cancellation of the NGO project facility; ( e ) what effect will the expenditure review, if any, have on programs for Africa; ( f ) does the $223,000,000 for tsunami relief and the $185,320,000 for humanitarian relief laid out on page 129 of Supplementary Estimates (B), 2004-2005 come exclusively from the government surplus; and ( g ) does the government intend to reach 0.7% of gross national income going to official development assistance, and, if so, when?
(Return tabled)