Mr. Speaker, as a member of the same sex marriage committee, I have heard from a number of witnesses who have expressed that their greatest concern is the empirical evidence which suggests that children will suffer the most harm during the government's same sex social experiment. It is time for the Prime Minister to do what the United Nations, the European Union and every other country and high court in the world, except for two, have done and recognize marriage as between a man and a woman.
Everybody knows the difference. Over 98% of the world's population understands that the word marriage is not a right. It is just a word describing a term that belongs to a set of defined facts. In Canada that word is already taken by a large percentage of people having specific religious beliefs that conflict with the group that wants to share this word.
Does the government really want to risk our children's future? It is time to do what has been done so many times in the past. It is time for the Liberal government to make another promise and break it.