Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the hon. member for confirming that this is wild and reckless spending on the part of the government.
The hon. member spoke about education. Apparently it is not getting through that the bill is actually hurting high need students. In Ontario, for example, a high need student can receive up to $7,000 in loan and $2,000 in grants.
If this plan without a program goes forward, or this plan without a plan, actually, and the student has a 10% decrease in tuition, let us say, the tuition drops for this student by $500. However, because of the clawback provisions in the Ontario government's policy, this student actually gets less money than if the bill had not gone forth in the first place.
There is all this talk about how it is only going to be spent if there is a surplus, but in reality there is no surplus. We have almost half a trillion dollars worth of national debt. Until that is paid off, we really do not have a surplus.