Mr. Speaker, listening to the member who just spoke, there is no doubt in my mind the sincerity in what he says he believes. I appreciate that part of it.
However, I want to get into this area of rights. I hear this so much on that side of the House, that it is all about rights. This is not an issue about rights. However, I do not even care to debate that any more because it seems like that is not going to make any difference.
Here we have a party sitting across that is governing the country and professes to be the protector of rights. Let me tell this member something and see how he responds.
I have been here 12 years. I have fought to raise the age of consent from 14 because 14 is too young. It has been defeated by the government at every opportunity. It has never been allowed. Therefore, parents do not have the right to take care of their children if a 14 year old decides to live with an adult under whatever circumstances. The parents would like to meet their responsibilities and take care of that child, but they do not have the right because the government has refused to give it to them.
There are grandparents all across this country crying through our various laws we have in existence. Many members on both sides of the House at one time were trying their best to get the rights of grandparents recognized. It has not been done because that side of the House has not approved it. The government has not given grandparents the right of access to their grandchildren.
I have been here 12 years fighting child pornography. I have listened to all of these rights. However, the one right that never seems to be concentrated on is the absolute right that these children be protected from exploitation. Artistic merit enters into the laws that the government brings in, which takes away that right of serious protection.
Did this member know that natives on Indian reserves have no access to ombudsmen? Everybody in Canada has access to them, except if they live on a reserve. They do not have that right. And when the Liberals had the opportunity to fix it, they voted against it. Not to mention the spousal rights on reserves. All these rights issues have been brought to the government and it has turned them down day after day, time after time.
Why do government members feel that they are the only ones who can rise on their feet and speak about the rights and equality of this nation when they refuse to do it in a very common sense way on so many issues?