Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise in the House to commend Mothers Against Drunk Driving for its proactive approach in meeting with community members of the Niagara region to organize a Niagara branch. This initiative exhibits its sincere dedication to the safety and security of others.
MADD is an excellent educational and victims outreach resource organization. Whether this group is talking with students and adults about impaired driving legislation, helping victims' families through the court system or lobbying legislators, its members make an impact.
Regrettably, Niagara is above the national average for impaired motor vehicle collisions, a startling and upsetting statistic that must be changed. I strongly encourage citizens of the Niagara region to attend the June 21 meeting with Mothers Against Drunk Driving and to get involved in a noble, necessary cause.
I wish MADD and the Niagara residents the best of luck in their joint efforts. Education is the key to prevention. Working for the safety of others is always a praiseworthy deed and eradicating impaired driving is a goal for all.