Mr. Speaker, I rise to give notice under Standing Order 52(2) that I would request and seek leave for an emergency debate stated for Wednesday, September 28 to address the current situation with the CBC. This is a debate that is not focused at all on the issues of the management and negotiations that are ongoing. I do not believe that is an issue for us to be discussing.
However, what I feel is very important is the issue of the appropriateness of the CBC management unilaterally deciding to pull programming that was paid for by the taxpayer. My understanding is that $18 million a week in taxpayer money is being fed to CBC management and we are receiving no product in return.
This is a very important issue to be discussed right now for two reasons.
First, it is indicative of a lack of broadcast policy that we have in the country. There are serious questions being raised about the direction of the CBC and the direction of public broadcasting in Canada. I feel we have to be seen as taking action and taking a strong position.
The second issue, which is very important for me coming from a region isolated in the north and with a large francophone population, is that large sections of our country have been effectively cut out of the nation's business. They have no access to other sources of information. I feel this is completely unacceptable. This is a public corporation mandated by the people of Canada. Given its parliamentary appropriation it is obliged to respond to our concerns.
I would seek leave to have this debate tonight. I believe it is timely.